I use the Chicago Manual of Style and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate dictionary but may be able to adjust to your needs. A 100,000-word manuscript will cost approximately $650–$900, depending on the service. Prices are negotiable.
A thorough proofread for punctuation, spelling, and grammar
A thorough proofread, but you need it ASAP
A quick proofread for typos.
Same as proofreading, but I dig deeper, flagging repeated words and phrases, suggesting alternatives, plus fact-checking. A 100,000-word manuscript will cost approximately $1300–1800, depending on the service. Prices are negotiable.
A thorough copyedit, and I will provide you with a style sheet, including character descriptions and chapter synopses
A thorough copyedit, but you need it ASAP
A thorough copyedit, but I will also include a summary of areas that need some TLC, providing you with deeper edits and suggestions for how to improve your manuscript
Paul Zablocki • Copyediting & Proofreading